
The end of the thought

Posted on November 11, 2008 at 4:10 pm

I love coming up with new ideas for pictures, sculptures, whatever. The thought really does take on a life of it’s own (I love reading about neurophysiology) and can either become something wonderful or meet certain death.

It is very elusive. Some ideas are beautiful in their simplicity while others change through manipulation and may end up something completely different, at least as far as I am concerned. The most frustrating ones are the ones that don’t let you see them, like trying to find your way through a dark cave. You can’t focus too hard or you’ll lose your perspective …………………………………… …………. ……. ………… ……

What is it?

Posted on November 9, 2008 at 10:04 am

I have three ideas i am developing for my christmas card. I believe I have time to pick one to carve and print and send to friends and relatives. The other two will have other purposes, unless I have time to finish another card, as pointed out by my son. A calendar came in very useful in putting my shapeless thoughts into some kind of framework. It has actually taken the panic out of the equation and actually given me the leisure to complete the task with more vim and vigor.

Christmas cards

Posted on November 7, 2008 at 1:43 pm

For about five years now, I have been printing my own cards using a block print, which my husband encouraged me to learn. I enjoy giving something that comes from my heart. Our individuality is key in times when we are being told what to think and feel. I am in the thumbnail stage right now, a very emotional time. It’s all good, though; creation. We all have the power, whether we believe it or not. Just the act itself is an affirmation of our freedom to be who we want to be. I feel present as the best version of me, and in so feeling, only wish for the greatest peace and happiness for all. It’s been a tough year and am counting my blessings. It’s all about working, not straining.

Personal Space

Posted on October 22, 2008 at 3:35 pm

No titles for my current picture, something about a path and serenity, but I am still working on it. Having invested all of my efforts into pen and pencil up till now, any previous efforts with color were just that, an effort. But I been thoughtful and gentle in my approach to this picture and I feel as rewarded as when I ink or pencil. I will be posting a picture progression of the progression of this picture, as suggested by my accomplished and creative husband.
