November 2010

The Present is a Gift

Posted on November 13, 2010 at 6:19 pm in

My son, ran for class council this week.  He ran on the belief that he would listen to what the people said and so rule .  Though he was disappointed, not having been elected, I hope he realizes the value of the experience.  When he puts his mind to something, the effects can be quite dazzling.  I think he lives up to his name and will learn how to seize the moments that will come his way.

Girl Scout enjoys Archery

Posted on November 7, 2010 at 6:21 pm in

On November 7 I accompanied my daughter to a Girl Scout event in Rochester Mn. It was a two hundred mile round-trip ride (I must really love her!) to one of the main Girl Scout sites that provided an archery range for the girls to enjoy.

She impressed the other scouts and their mom’s by being an accurate shot, hitting the target two out of three times. She also helped a new member, her long time friend, feel comfortable in a new situation that was unfamiliar to her.   I was so impressed with her!  The camp leaders wore a T-shirt with  a  quote on the back by {Ralph Waldo} Emerson; “Who you are speaks so loudly, I can’t hear what you are saying”.

I felt proud to play my part in this larger community.
